Olympic Hotels Continue To Be Top Notch As It Pours Down Rain In A Stairwell


I have a theory that I haven’t seen tossed around by anyone else yet. Maybe all of these Rio hotels are just haunted. Anybody ever think of that? Cause pouring water in a stairwell looks exactly like something straight out of a haunted hotel movie. Next there’s gonna be blood pouring from the walls and twins’ body parts wallpapering the hallways. Okay so maybe the hotels aren’t actually haunted. But at the very least that’s how organizers of the Rio Olympics should start spinning this cluster fuck cause it’s only gonna get worse from here. The Olympics haven’t even technically started yet and there’s already been countless videos of hotels basically falling apart. So say ghosts are causing it. Just say the hotels are haunted and that’s why fucked up stuff keeps happening. The builders did their jobs. They built the hotels and definitely didn’t cut any corners. Not their fault the land they built it on was some ancient Brazilian warrior cemetery.

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